Medication side effects

I took blood pressure meds for five years after a minor stroke and suffered side effects that drove me nuts. I was also told to get on a anti-cholesterol med, but I heard too much bad about them and refused. I found a new doc and told him that I was quitting all the meds and taking my chances unless he had a better option. Even though I was not overweight at a constant 176 lb, he told me to lose some weight and get on a moderate cardio program. I was a runner for several years, but had cut back as I aged, and finally quit all exercise when the BP meds made me ache all the time.

I lost 15 lb and have held steady for months. I also began taking supplements that seem to reduce high blood pressure in some people. I now have normal blood pressure for my age, and my bad cholesterol level has dropped to the marginal level without medication. Not saying it cures anything, and I might drop over tomorrow, but at least I don't have to suffer all the damn side effects!