Medication side effects

Side affects to medications, wow, oh boy, you bet i do.
I hafta take a medication every afternoon, to keep me alive, for a bone marrow, mutation, disease, cancer, whatever you want to call it.
I no longer have any strength, energy, stamina, taking the medication, but it's keeping me alive, so what ya gonna do.
Also affects my attention span, what's going on inside my head, and my sleeping pattern during the night.
But what the hell, gotta get up and take a pee all the time anyway, due to previous prostate issues, that males on this planet go through in old age.
I still have blond hair on the top of my head, but the medication also has severely slowed down the growth of my hair.
Another side affect, so now a days, i no longer have to go see the barber, for haircuts.
Jim V.