Medication side effects

An alternative medicine called acupressure (Jin shin do) applies finger pressure to acupuncture points. It good for releasing stuck muscles. It works great for me, the result happens in a seconds, to a few minutes. I took much training on the subject, and learned the meridian points for treatment. It may involve points on head, neck back, shoulders, arms and hands.

In general tight spots can be found by palpation. Then pressure is applied where tendon attaches to bones, that releases muscles. There are practitioners that might help.

Correct exercise involves breathing in on exertions, breath out on release. Tia chi, chi gong, pal Dan gum are good exercises, for help in flexibility.

What I say works for me. Consult your doctor before doing any of this, I am not giving advise , suggesting only what works for me. Most doctors of western medicine only know drugs, or surgery. Eastern medicine, sports medicine, and martial arts experts may be able to provide help.

One more thing. The symptoms you described are often related to sitting in a sofa, with arms stretched over the upper back. Falling asleep like that sometimes results in an emergency room visit for paralysis in arms and hands.