Hi from R.I

thank you I hope I do it right.
Lots of great ideas on this site. I have used lots of other peoples ideas on my build, and i also came up with good ideas to share with the group.

Connies are inherently weak because of the no roof deal. I'd recommend subframe connectors to make the car a bit more solid. I made my own out of 2x3 box steel. Do it with the car level on jackstands and measured dead flat using a spirit level across rad support upper ledge, trunk upper shock mount ledge , and on both door rocker sills, with the carpet sill plates removed. Shim the jackstands with sheetmetal shims to get all 4 levels centered. This will ensure the body has no preload or twist in it prior to welding in your subframe connectors. You may also want to close the doors prior to welding after you have everything fitted up , levelled, and ready to go since the doors will help keep the structure straight.

Hope this helps