Medication side effects

If acupuncture worked temporary, that is a good sign. No need for pins. Research the acupressure.

Have you ever ate enough hot peppers to get sweat on the top of your head? That works for me, to relieve pain and inflamation. My diet also has changed, no pork, very little red meat or gout locks me up. I replace those with chicken and fish, but avoid tuna. Black cherry juice, ginger slices, aloe vera, plums all reduce inflamation.

Good exercise, where I work up a good sweat helps. Things like weed whipping fences, raking hay by hand, to put up for horses. Alternate rake, both right and left to keep muscle balance.

The Tia chi, is simple and effortless, but it helps flexibility, balance and strength.

Use thin pillow, to fat a pillow results in forward neck, complicating shoulder, arm issues.

It takes a bunch of trial and error to find what works for you, I am telling what works for me. If I keep on track, I feel great, lots of energy, strength, endurance, excellent reactions and coordination. I still have 10 to 15% of time when I need to heal an injury, but I live with that.