Mechanical Vs Electric Fuel Pump

I run a 367/420hp(or so) streeter on an HO mechanical,and have never needed more .
The thing with Mechanical pumps is they pump more and more as RPM rises;and less and less as the Rs drop to idle. Hmmmmmm. On demand fuel. And I can't hear it. At all. Not even faintly. And I don't have big$ tied up in pretty AN stuff.
See, a streeter probably spends about 90% of it's life at sub 3500rpm, and like .5% of it's time over 6000(guessing,to be sure). So really, a teener pump would probably do for me.

Of course no application absolutely needs AN stuff, And I certainly wouldn't waste my hard earned money on that pretty stuff. Just like I wouldn't spend money on electric pumps and regulators,and insulated mounting stuff.
I was merely stating what works for me;cheap, easy, reliable,and safe. If the engine quits, so does the pump.If the car goes upside-down, the engine stalls,the pump quits, and the fuel stops being pumped.If I rupture a fuel line while doing whatever, the pump loses prime and the engine quits.
And the line from the M-pump to the carb is one piece steel.So, it's as safe as you are gonna get.
My P4007040 has been going for nearly 2 decades. And I don't need to worry about how I'm gonna get under the car to replace a failed pump at the rear crossmember, when I'm 500 miles from home.
And,you can't get any cheaper.
So perhaps I didn't exactly answer correctly; so;
For me, as to a mechanical pump,the pros where; cheap, easy, reliable, easy to replace on the side of the road,and as safe as it gets.