Not Mopar powered

Thanks! Cool way to start my day. The engine is very cool and learning about it as well is really awesome. Never know about the oil drain back - guess the lawn tractor won't be getting one too soon. The last plug will hit the mower deck- LOL!

Heres some more radial engine information. The cam is pretty interesting as well. Its geared in time to the crankshaft but its a flat plate type of arrangement in front ofvthe crankshaft with 2 tracks with cam lobes on them. Called a cam drum, one track is intake, one track is exhaust. The lifters are roller type keyed into the crsnkcase so they dont turn sideways in their bores. They ride on the tracks and run up and down on the lobes on the tracks

The master rod is timed #1 and is slightly longer in stroke than the other 6 articulating rods that run off of it. When you time the mags, the lobes for the points have 1 dot on them, this dot has to correspond to #1, because that lobe on the magneto timer is slightly different to go with the slightly longer stroke.