Craigslist, Bait and switch

To my knowledge I've never seen anything plate like that but this is Florida. Do you know how many out-of-state plates there are here? I guess I assume people are honest out there and I never looked at the plate to see where it was from. I was more interested in the body of the car. Anyway, I was more interested in hearing from other people with experiences like that.

Any car from any state can certainly be driven to any other state. A neighboring state would be normal, but one from the opposite corner of the country would generate a hell of a story.

A seasoned car buyer would be concerned with a current registration of a car. I live in Colorado and they require a paper title, well, some states do not issue titles for vehicles this old and a registration card is enough evidence of ownership. So a car from New York state for an example will not transfer to Colorado unless the CURRENT owner requests a new York title to be printed for transfer. Is the seller the same person on the last title?? are you willing to track down the person whose name is on the title even if he or she is in another state across the country?

So asking details about the origin of the car and the whereabouts of all involved parties is an absolute legit concern when buying an old car.