Steering box got loose

No they're rock solid once they're boxed. And really if the flex is noticeable then something is probably cracked.

I'm not going to say you can't box the steering mount in with the K-frame still in the car, but it's a lot easier with it out. The engine is going to have to be out regardless. As far as a weekend job, probably not. If the car is all together you'll have to pull the engine, drop the suspension and K member, weld it all back up, and then reassemble the whole mess. I suppose you could probably just box the steering mount with it in the car with the engine out, but if I were doing it I'd just pull the whole thing and seam weld the K, gusset the torsion bar pivots and do the steering box mount all at once. It'll be a lot easier with the K sitting on a bench.

Yes, you're right.

If I have to pull the engine, might as well weld up the whole K-Frame. My next long vacation will be during the Holidays (company shuts down for the Holidays). I guess I could schedule it then. I've been wanting to pull the engine anyway to fix a leak. *sigh*

It's funny, people always ask me "When is your car done?" I don't think old cars are every done...especially when they are no longer like they were when they rolled out of the factory.