Update on Curtis. AKA Waggin. Alive but needs help!

I posted on the other thread but figured I should start fresh here.
I just got off the phone with Curtis (aka Waggin). He is pretty banged up from the boat accident. He isn't exactly sure what happened or what caused the accident. But he was test piloting a new air boat and hit a tree. Some other boaters that were nearby and happened to be a Police. Pulled Curtis out of the water and performed CPR on him and was able to revive him. They also attempted to revive Mary but were unsuccessful. Curtis said his ability to operate his computer are limited but he will try and get on it. He also said to give his phone number out to anyone that wants it so Message me if you want it and I'll send it to you.
Curtis is faced with having to come up with the funeral cost for Mary. So I'm asked him if I could get his Pay Pal address in case some of our members would like to help him out financially. His pay pal is [email protected]
Curtis said he needs to sell his 65 Valiant Wagon if anyone is interested to cover the bills he has endured.