70 340 4-speed dart - talk me off the ledge

Can ya sell it as is?

Just doesn't seem worth it to me. You'll have 40k into a 25k car. I could see if maybe there was some sentimental attachment of something but I still don't see it being worth it. All that for a VIN tag. I'd buy s clean car and build what you want out of it. Too much time and money for me to be bothered with that thing.

You know what the right answer is or you wouldn't have asked us to talk you off the ledge. You know it's just not worth the time, effort and money... AND it never will be.
The same debate goes on about Ferraris and almost every other kind of car.
I hate to see a cool car like this disappear but the math tells the story.
If you really want a car like this sell this one and start looking for a better candidate.

Deep down i know you're both right, but i am going to resist sanity on this one until i get it on the lift. If it can be patched, it will get repaired...but to be clear will not be a restoration.