70 340 4-speed dart - talk me off the ledge

thanks all for the feedback, glad to see the support. the plan right now is to save it.... i will get more pics for you guys over the weekend and we can collectively assess the damage. its on my trailer but should be good enough to see what we are working with here. unfortunately i will be another few weeks before i can clear out the garage and get this on the lift (i store my dad and uncles 67 corvettes at my house)...

and by save i really mean preserve, for me i get my jingles out of taken something broken and cleaning it up and making it usable again. doesn't have to be perfect and don't want it to be. i will start with the structural rust and take it from there.

as far as frame rails -- does anyone have pics of frame rail replacements and recommendations for approach? i will have search the site here tomorrow when i am rotting away on the train.