Play ball! MLB picks

Yeah I figgered you would wait till I posted to chime in seeing as how your bloated overweight alcoholic Yankmee CC is on permanent vacation.
Did you see the 2 home runs last night?? Pretty epic. Reminds me of last year (Yankmees did nada then too)
What makes it better is knowing the Yankmees are DONE and Haytriots lost to the
For the NL Im hoping for Cubs. Is that ok? Or you gonna slam me for that? Lol. See Elmer below?? He's hunting f**ktards...and yer in his sights. Lol

Ya' and I see you waited til your BLOWJAYS won to post, if they had lost you'd be nowhere to be found typicle lameass fan like the rest of those hockey pucks up there:icon_fU::icon_fU::icon_fU: