For Sale Ads now Close 30 days after last posting.

40 thousand members, there should be enough unread interesting threads here to keep anyone from worrying about for sale ads...holy cow.
Theres other options. ...donate to auction/fundraiser, lower your price, sell on ebay, craigslist, racingjunk, kijiji.
Mods get paid nada and im pretty sure they have to pay for their gold membership. And they should monitor more closely? ?? Lol

There are 343,000+ members on the site I'm a global moderator at. Mods get paid nada and have to pay to be a Team(Gold) member there also. Such is life. I actually enjoy it for the most part.

If they need help here I would gladly do whatever they need also. It's really not that hard. Carpet bombing would be easy to deal with.

Being a mod is mostly a thankless task I will admit but keeping a level playing field for sellers is part of the tasks I do daily.