converter slippage

I dunno man,
(6500x29.5x3.1416)/(1056x4.30x1.00)=about 133mph,less TC slip.
If your TC is slipping 16%, then the speed is reduced by that same slip; so 112mph.
Or you can take it off the rpm; 6500 less 16% is 5460; and
(5460x29.5x3.1416)/(1056x4.3x1.00)=about 112mp.
16% seems like a lotta slip....
I did the math on your numbers in post#1, and I too get about 16% slip.Here's what I did;
(103x1056x4.56)/(29.5x3.1416)=5352rpm......and 6200on the tach/5352=1.158 or about 16% over.
If you have the power to go 103 in the 1/8, I think you're gonna need even less gear for that TC...I don't know the conversion factor for 1/8 to 1/4, but to hit say 128@6500 with 16% slip, you will need;
(128x1056x1.00)/{(6500/1.16=5603) x29.5x3.1416}=1/.260=3.84s ..That's about half way between 3.73s and 3.91s.
Going with the 3.91s and re-arranging the formula, I get;
(128x1056x1x3.91)/(29.5x3.1416)plus 16%=5702x1.16=6615rpm
Did I get that right?