Who can recommend a good Freon A/C electronic leak detector?

Many different types of leak detectors out there, and they all have pros and cons.
These are my opinions:
Best electronic H-10 Bacharach - H-10 PRO Refrigerant Leak Detector
expensive, and too sensitive to pinpoint large leaks

Soap solution (dawn and windshield washer fluid 50/50, in a spray bottle. Cheap and actually pretty good at finding leaks in areas you can spray. But large leaks can blow the bubbles away.

Ultrasonic detector, not too expensive, but can "hear" leaks to pinpoint them. Can also be used to pinpoint wind noise leaks.

Floresent Dye can find small leaks, or leaks that only leak when the system is running, but sometimes may take a day or so to show up the leak, and can be difficult to find evaporator leaks.

Also the old "propane torch" detector for R-12 (never tried it on r-134a)

I use a combination of all of these. In your case for your own vehicles, where you have the vehicle all the time, and can wait, use the dye and/or the soap solution.