Draining this Newer Gas from Carbs

My son and I pulled the Holley carb from his car to do some work and we flipped it over to drain the gas out as much as possible. I am not sure if we pumped the accelerator pump or not. After 3-4 months, we put it back on and the accel pump was not right. Some brown honey was oozing from the nozzle.

So a quick disassembly followed, and the only place where the fuel had broken down into gum was found was right up in the nozzle. It was easy to clean out. But another few months might have been a different story.

The fuel being used is Shell premium (V-Power). If took just 3-4 months sitting in a garage through the summer for this little bit of residual fuel to gum up and break down. You just can't be careful enough with this new fuel.
You should never use ethanol gas in anything that's not post 2004 ish...

It is highly corrosive to systems not designed for it and turns to sludge super quick...

It is the main cause for fuel pumps going out...

I have had two 90's vehicles throw fuel pumps due to this issue...

Never again.