Trump n Hillary LOL

I told you guys 4 years ago she would be your next lol ! You guys actually think he was planning on being the Pres ? He needs cash again and there isn't a bank on the planet that will lend it to him , he spends next to nothing campaigning he just calls a press conference and says something tarded and both sides go wild = another free campaign add , you do know he gets to keep all his PAC money tax free don't you ? HAHA you've been scammed the closer it gets the more he's going to make sure he doesn't get elected to a 200k a year job he doesn't want .He'll be skipping off into the sunset with the money left in his campaign accounts , look at Palins finances she pulled the same scam .

PS this belongs in the Joke section because the Joke is on anyone that thinks he ever thought he would get this far .