Valve lift question

A .500" valve (not cam) lift with a true 1.5 rocker, would have .3333---" cam lobe lift. Because of the lifter angle, the trig function shows the cam lift seen at the rocker to be .3234---", which would make the valve lift .485". The bigger the lobe lift, the more loss and a smaller lobe is obviously less loss. The rocker ratio will have no effect on the amount of loss if the rocker geometry is correct, i.e. correct pushrod length on a magnum and correct shaft height on the LA. Fwiw, the lifter/pushrod angle is not as problematic as it would seem.

Very interesting. I'm not an engineer but I get really excited about engine dynamics. I have loads of engines under my belt (Subaru, SBC, rotary's, 2 and 4 stroke motorcycle engines) but this is my first mopar. I like learning about and overcoming design flaws as well as exploiting their strengths. The FABO archives have been a pretty serious wealth of info.