Thinking about selling whats it worth

I find people's evaluations seem to be way low on FABO. I don't know where people are finding gem 70 340 4 spd cars by the dozens that they can evaluate a car like this so low.

I asked the value of my real swinger 340 4 spd car once and was getting ridiculous replies like 14-16k... I sold the car for 26k. You're car is worth much more than the suggested 6-8thousand. Just ridiculous. If you have a rust free car it's worth minimum 10k. with the cost of auto body work these days you can be onto a car 20-25k just getting it painted. Add in the other 20 thousand for mechanical and interior then you're into a car for 45 grand. How could this guys car not be worth 15-16 grand..... all this is IMHO