Thermoquad - Lokar kickdown

Yes it have and there product, pictures and directions are not for use with a TQ. Or OE AVS & AFB carbs.

The Edelbrocks can use the kick down cable because they use the throttle adapter. This provides a location for the cable.


The adapter lever, I took and used its profile view to make a flat plate and drilled 3 holes in it. 1 hole for the throttle stud, 1 hole for the little hole on the carbs arm and 1 at the bottom for the lokar cable. I bolted said flat plate on the TQ's arm at the stud and a nut and bolt you need to source out from a hardware store.

Somewhere in this forum in my vast amount of posts, I have a picture of this on a OE AVS.

When I get home, I'll see what I can whip up for you.