Overseas car sales

I know money is money, but the problem with sending cars like old muscle cars to saudi arabia , dubai , etc is that they have no idea how to work on them, and have more money than sense.

Saudis dont work, they get a monthly stipend by their government just for being citizens. Who does all the work to actually make that country run is TCNs third country nationals. And how do i know this? I have friends who have worked as contractors over there making 2 to 3 times the money they would be making in the states all tax free doing a job they could employ one of their own people to do. Its all oil money. If you go to make some money, and your a devout christian, commit your bible verses to memory, and leave your bible and your crusifix home, as these will be confiscated and destroyed on your way into the country, as there are no other religions allowed inside their borders.

Soooo what are they gonna do when the oil runs out, or something better comes along that makes oil obsolete. They will do what they did before the oil, and become nomads again. They do not farm the land, because they dont know how. Farming is a relatively new concept for them, there is no manufacturing for export except for wahabbism , radicalism, and bomb vests lol. I guess you could say idle hands are the devils workshop there. Their whole infrastructure is built on what they pump out of the ground. Nothing more, nothing less.

I have seen pix of $200k supercars just sitting abandoned with inches of desert dust on them after they cease to be somebodies plaything over there. If they have this mentality with a vehicle that expensive, then what kind of mentality do you get with a $20k or $40k classic car. Again more money than common sense, i'd rather be buried in my car when i die than let it go over there.