After my vacation I'll be back into parts making mode

ok!!!! I could not wait to get the mold done and tested. ... yeah I'm impatient. so I had some left over material and thought ,,hmm why not
well I'm glad to say it will be a part! The test went good even though I didn't have enough material to do a compression casting or make a complete part. but it did come out pretty nice for what part of the armrest it did make. here is some shots of my first test. I need to get the correct release agent since this stuck a bit into the mold. and order some more material for the pad along with coloring. I can say for sure that my dart WILL be getting new armrest pads for the rear with no ashtray(5th item on list of need to make parts)
bottom (or the top of the arm rest pad)
the top pour side. yup it did push up on the top piece when it expanded .

together and poured. I do need to mark how deep to push the cork though since it did mess up the top surface of the pad by being too deep

as you can see when removing the cork it pulled back some of the foam

graining cam out pretty good and a decent look once I figure out exactly how much material I do need to make the pads.
you can see how short of material I was and pushing the cork in too deep. But it was worth it just to see a part almost ready. Now I can go ahead and make the other mold knowing that I have not wasted $150.00 in rubber and $75.00 in foam (whew)
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