How You All Fairing On Health Care Increases?

Let's see, you are born in the us or came here illegally- makes no difference. You are afforded health insurance,welfare,living arrangements,loans,and because of"political correctness" you cannot be told you are a parasite. Why be like Canada? Sure lets pull all our support from other countries so that we can afford to bring them all here to the"land of opportunity"!! Fight all the windmills you want but the bottom line is you are going after the symptoms and not the disease! They have your number and they are playing you like a cheap violin!

So you think by giving other countries a bunch of taxpayer cash it's keeping America independent of their problems. :D
We are all humans and all live on the same big ball of dirt, and the sooner we start solving problems based on being one people on one planet the better.
Sometimes I actually wish an alien force would kick our asses so we would more easily accept that.