Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Looks like you guys had fun on Halloween, I ended up having around 250 - 300 trick or treater's.

Afterwards my buddy and I make pizza for my kids, grandkids, and friends.
I was wore out the next day at work, but the kids had a blast.

My daughter texted me the next day and said my grandson was still wired up at midnight that night, he is only 18 months old, I just told her paybacks are fun.

I made a pan of lasagna the day before so we could re-heat it and not have to worry about cooking.

You gotta admit that it can be a fun time seeing all them kids coming over even though it can be a lot of work. I guess it's an occasion unlike any other because you get visited at your home by a ton of strangers and the atmosphere is party-like. How big of a town do you live in? We're about 2500 here.