How You All Fairing On Health Care Increases?

Interesting how some people call that money "entitlement money" when it came from our taxes in the first place.
That's the same crap the existing people in power say.
So once the gov gets their hands on the taxes and have to give some up to help people in need it's called "entitlement".
I call what they get from us entitlement.
What we call poverty level and what they call poverty level are two different levels, and if some of those people were living on what some of us get by on they would be crying for something to be done because they are "living in poverty".
Ever deal with the IRS where they said "If you can just give us x amount of money"?
Damit if I had x amount of money we wouldn't be having this conversation.
It's like they think we can just pull money out of our *** or something.

Now we are getting off track and into windmill fighting. :D

Or I am. LOL
1964 Johnson and company included social security into the general fund- which in turn funded welfare. This is where the "entitlement" moniker started. Instead of shooting from the hip a good understanding of history and economics could cure your windmill fighting and get you a better understanding of the actual disease we have in this country. Trying to find more funds to spend on the liberal monster only serves to grow the disease not stop the problem