Pain meds....

There are certain compounds, tablets and liquids (tinctures) of MM that might help. I do know that tolerance buildup is a huge factor in prolonged pain med usage. The body builds up tolerance to opioids and alcohol exponentially and pretty soon nothing works. I have chronic pain, knees, shoulder, neck ect ect and work full time at a drug free company with random testing. It's all Aleve all the time for me and I get by but it is hard to walk some days----------Had the talk with the wife about MM when I retire but she comments that my car building would suffer along with my motivation and I know she is right. I have a 40 ford pickup already bought for my next build and I am determined to build it so I guess for me, All Aleve all the time--------------------
Doug------I know you are in pain, be careful with the meds----------I would miss hearing your stories about the dogs----------:-)