How You All Fairing On Health Care Increases?

This thread is for certain headed to the political junk pile. So I'll make one more comment before it heads to the junk pile. Once again I'll repeat what I believe is the greatest president in my life time Ronald Reagan.He stated that this country is a two party system, Rep and Dem. always has and always will be. There is no room for a third, fourth,etc party. Call yourself what you want independent, Libertarian, Progressive, Realist, etc. When a third party is interjected, you are guaranteeing a win for the Democrats or Republicans period! It boils down to two different philosophy's.
Your Pro life, or Not! Your for smaller government or your not! You believe in the re distribution of wealth or not! You believe penal system or a rehabilitation system! You believe in taxing the rich to feed the poor or not! Honestly answer these questions and you'll know what party side you land on!