Dating previous owner's disc conversion

Yup, the calipers hit the sway bar. Definitely going to do the switch.
Is there anything rubber besides dust boots and brake hoses I'm going to need to swap the spindles?
I'll swap the entire array from one side to the other so as not to have to change hose length. Anything I should watch out for? Or... Should the brake hoses be replaced as a matter of course?

You have to change the hose length. Unless you're planning on moving the hard lines and tab on the frame. The new location for the calipers requires a longer hose.

Finally took a good hard look at the thing under the MC - it appears to be a proportioning valve!

Hmm. I would take a good look at how the brake lines are plumbed. I assume then this was a drum/drum car that only had a distribution block before the swap. Which is fine, it would need a prop valve installed in that case. But the mess of hoses coming out from there doesn't look well routed, and there seems to be a hodgepodge of old and new lines, probably with a few extra connectors thrown in to make it all work. I mean it probably works, it's just not something I like to see considering that's what stops the car. I admit that I have rednecked my share of parts to make things work, but that's not a strategy I like to apply to the braking system.