How You All Fairing On Health Care Increases?

I know exactly where it came from.
I don't believe it is a Liberal or conservative problem, but just a problem to be addressed.
Separating and labeling it as one party or one section of the gov IS part of the problem, as it creates a blockage to try to get anything good done and an excuse for not doing it.

It's like going to a discussion about racism and jumping up and yelling that the discussion itself is racism before the discussion ever begins.
It basically kills the ability to work better together on the problem.

If I was to say it's people like you that are a huge part of the problem in this country.

Of course I don't believe you are, but how did that instantly affect your frame of mind to discuss it with me?
It instantly put us on opposing sides didn't it?
THAT right there is my point.
Greg,the person to person conversation I had with you,fits dead on... Get government out of the goddamn way,fix it in the free enterprise market.