How You All Fairing On Health Care Increases?

So, we've had decades before Affordable Care where the government was not in the way, and companies / nonprofits were in control and where did that get us?
Oh yeah, we had the least effective and most expensive healthcare system of any developed nation. That was how our system was rated before the ACA was enacted.
Affordable Care has not fixed that either.
Basically, we've only discovered what doesn't work so far. And going back or sticking to either is really not inspiring.
Time to try something different I think.
Also, we need to be honest with ourselves about how much we are already socialized - and have been for decades. The costs for people who can't afford have always been passed to everyone else where healthcare is concerned. Hospitals and doctors cannot turn away those who cannot afford to pay - so those costs are passed along to those who can pay or are subsidized directly with tax dollars. So taxpayers are already paying for socialized medicine.
Also, social security was never meant for medical. And, pre-retirement employees do not contribute to a Medicare fund directly like thay did with social security. Medicare/Medicaid is basically a social medicine benefit for seniors. I don't know too many seniors that could get by without Medicare benefits.
My inlaw's and mother would probably not be alive without Medicare's benefit.
I'm just saying, regardless of your political beliefs, where medical is concerned, we should hold our politicians to much more than a return to what we had before, or small adjustments to what exist now.