Pain meds....

Few things to say...just dead tired and heading to bed shortly. I am in a different situation than many folks to the the laws here in Washington state. In addition to all of the physical troubles I have a well documented mental health history. Thanks to the way Opioids being over prescribed and abused Washington has a somewhat restrictive law....
Because of my history with "substance abuse", I was living on fistfuls of Hydrocodone while employed at the USPS. In addition to the Hydrocodone I was taking 3-5 MG of Xanax daily. This was the only thing that kept me from "going Postal" and putting folks in the hospital. Anyhow, between the history and the fact that I have psychiatric comorbidities I have to be extremely careful in what I do. If I were to use "medical pot" without getting my docs ok I will no longer be able to get my pain meds. I have asked my doc about getting put on something other than "hillbilly ******"..he said ain't gonna happen. He mentioned that every other pain med that is strong enough for me is "dirty"...they are not pure pain meds they are a mix. He told m that because I do not have a snow balls chance in hell of ever having a reduction in pain he would not be comfortable on putting me on something that is not a pure medication.
I turned 50 in April. He recently told me that if he were to just look at me without knowing my age he would guess me to be in my mid 60's. Thanks to a bum deal, gene wise, and working WAY to hard I tore myself to pieces. My spine has gotten bad enough that I have all sorts of pinched nerves. As I type this I feel like someone stuck a hot iron in both my hips...I don't have sciatica problems on one side...I have them on both. Will be seeing my rheumatologist this week for my pseudo gout. He told em that I am his youngest patient to have this...normally it does not occur til folks are in their mid to late 60's. He did a complete blood test on me. He told me that I am missing some sort of protein enzyme...this missing enzyme is partially responsible for the pain I am in...or something to that effect...
Good night all...

Holy crap. We are damn near neighbors. Probably chewed some of the same dirt.

I'll text you my phone number Sunday. Give me a call and we'll shoot the bull.

Going to see Hacksaw Ridge Sunday so I'll hit you up after that.

The USPS has ate up lots of good people. My friend who lives with us for a bit was at the Portland USPS for a while. Damn near drove him nuts.

Anyway, I'll hit you up Sunday.