Pain meds....

Been on pain meds for over 20 years. 3 months ago due to a mix up at Pain Management Dr's office I was without my Oxycodone for 2 1/2 days.I was in early stages of full blown detox and I wish that on nobody.Good thing I'm too much of a coward to harm myself because you could without Medical help. Long story /short I have talked to both my Pain Dr. and my Regular Dr. about help with possible detox. Both tell me it's complicated mentally and to think real hard about going through detox only to find out I can't continue without help subduing the pain.I am at max dosage they will give me and so far I have been able to manage without needing more. At my age(67) with crappy health issues I may just continue and cross bridges when I get to them. I am lucky now that my dosage does keep me somewhat pain free most of the time.Ink I know your situation is much more complicated than mine but I can sympathize with you some.I wish you well.