Pain meds....

Damn, I'm with you on that, it's definitely not for sissys. I'm in my late 50's and I'm kind of the opposite of what you guys are talking about. I have arthritis real bad and my knees are shot to the point where they're bone on bone. I won't take any kind of narcotic pain medicines because I've seen too many good people go down that path with bad results. My doctors are always trying to force pain medicines down my throat but I just can't go there. My knees are in such severe pain that it makes it tough to function. Trying to get some new knees but the doctors keep slow playing me.

As one who has had one knee replaced it's really nice to have the pain go away but you need to be forwarned that they don't function 100% like your real knee.No more kneeling down on that knee or using it to help yourself up. I'm not saying not to do it but just be aware of how replacement knees work.