Pain meds....

gentlemen, the aging process sucks. Often when you hear about someone having a beat up body, you think about a guy that grew up farming, hanging iron, framing houses, etc. Hard, demanding work. Reality is, having an office job or sitting job is just as bad, if not worse. Just ask the guys that drive truck for 20yrs.

One fight we lose is against muscle. No matter what you do, you will begin to lose muscle mass as you age. That effects quality of life, but not nearly as much as the fight we can win, and that is with range of motion. One of the best things you can do is walk daily, and have a good stretching routine. It greatly boosts your health both physical and mental. You can try yoga, PNF stretching, etc, whatever you want, just do something. Tight hamstrings, QL, shoulders, neck, all contribute to make other injuries unbearable. There are routines all over the internet from foam rollers to lacross balls, and I'm telling you IT ALL WORKS. Those little old Korean ladies you see walking all the time and doing tai chi in the park, well they are doing this aging thing just right

InkJunkie, what are they saying is the actual issue with your back?