Who knows where......

When my Grandson graduated earlier this year, I attended his graduation party. I asked him, "Well now that you've graduated how well do you know your "Gazintas"?" He told me that he didn't remember learning about any Gazintas in school. I said, " Are you kidding me, 12 years of school and you don't know your Gazintas???" He said, "What's a Gazinta??" I explained the Beverly Hillbillies show (way before his time) to him and I told him how Jethro had graduated from the 6th grade and how Jethro went around bragging about how he had learned his Gazintas. Jed would introduce Jethro to people and brag about Jethro's ability to say his Gazintas. Jed didn't know what Gazinta meant but he would say it that way because that's the way that Jethro would say it.

Then Jethro would start:

2 gazinta 4 two times
2 gazinta 8 four times
3 gazinta 9 three times...and so on.

My Grandson broke out laughing, then he went straight over to his Dad (my son) and asked, " Dad, when you were in school did you learn your "Gazintas"? His Dad had a blank stare on his face and my Grandson busted out laughing all over again.

True Story!!
