How Gearing Effects HP from 1-3rd in 727's

Thanks 273,

I tuned the motor: ie, timing was wayyy retarted in previous tests, and the seals, or cork grommets that seal the air/fuel needles or screws were shot. I replaced the cork grommets, timed it and it runs a hell of a lot better. It is still not running as good without the device as it was with it, but it is running a hell-of-a-lot better. So I ran it without it and it was much quicker. So then I put it on and boom, a hell of a hell of a lot better! I still have to do fuel mileage testing to see what those numbers are, but yeah, that didn't stop it from increasing HP and torque.

Is what your saying is to ask for volunteers on this site who can test the device on a carbereted, or throttle body they already have tested and see what kind of improvements they get? I'm not opposed to it, but they would need to send me a non-disclosure doc so I'm not just casting it to the wind.

The idea has to do with two laws of aerodynamic laws of physics that no one has used before, to my knowledge, to vaporized fuel. This is where I'm getting my gains. It increases vacuum without causing restriction. It does not sound possible, but that is how it works, and why it is so effective.

I will ask the moderators if I can ask for someone to test my device on here... Meanwhile I can type up a non-disclosure doc to send to anyone willing to test it. There is no doubt that it increases the hp/torque of the engine significantly. Proving it will take more than one engine, more than one time to have legitimate results, so that is a great idea you have here.

Thanks for the tip!


A member like the guys at MRL or others who run engines on dynos on pretty regular basis would be a great choice if they are willing to test it.