Timing changed after Cap + rotor swap?!

yes, i think if you take the snaps off, you should be able to twist it and see if you can get back to 10 before, while still being able to line the snaps up

think about it, the circumference of the cap is what, 25 CM?
divide that by 360 and you get 0.069 cm per degree
that should put about 8 degrees in the half a centimeter you have

you should have noticed 12 degrees IF that was the only thing that changed
but with new plugs, wire, coil...you may be making up for the bad timing with better components

Cap and rotor don't determine when the coil fires.

Cap should fit snugly into a lock tab on distributor body.

correct BUT if the one rotor is on one end of the tolerance, and the other rotor is on the other end of the tolerance, it could play a part in it
think about it, when you loosen the distributor and twist it...what changes?
the cap in relation to the rotor

now keep in mind, im not saying twisting the cap is the way to fix this (the proper way to fix it is to loosen the distributor hold down and adjust it there)
im simply trying to brainstorm where the change came from