A 1971 R/T I am offering before I strip it. Look on fbbo for post

I bought this charger for parts for my 71 roadrunner. It has the complete driveline in the car. So for me it was a no brainer. I will get what I need and some of my money back. I also just purchaced this on ebay. I now have every option but the power sun roof.

1971 GTX / SATELLITE / ROAD RUNNER POWER WINDOW SET COMPLETE !!! | eBay _trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

The charger will yield many parts I will need. I also bought this satellite for parts you guys will be upset at this getting stripped. I am the second owner been sitting in the same driveway since 1974. motor stuck fast. The orange roadrunner's last inspection is 1976. I sold my 340 Duster and the drive train out of my 340 Demon to buy these. There is also a complete 4sp 71 rr on its way for parts. Most of you guys that know me and bought things from me know I am not in it for the money. Its just a really cool past time and a way to meet people into the same things. I want a fully optioned 71 RR for a driver. Some things you lose money on and some you gain . It evens out in the end

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