Spring Fling 2017

Look forward to hearing what hotel arrangements will be worked out for the show (whether at the Airtel or some other location).

Approx how long (time-wise) is the Malibu cruise? What is the start/finish time?

Since the cruise-in @ Bobs is open to the public, is there any way of securing spots there early on? I think someone on FBBO said there was only 1 Mopar in the actual parking lot. Would be nice to see a row of them.

I think you are thinking of the Friday general weekly cruise in at bobs Northridge. And possibly at the recent Fall Fling.

For Spring Fling we have a special Saturday night Spring Fling Cruis-In. I think there were over 50 Mopars there last year at one time.

The Friday Malibu driving cruise starts at 10am at Woodley Park and finishes in Malibu for lunch around 1pm.

We will work something out with the Airtel and/or another hotel(S)