Another Mopar Off My Bucket List - Barracuda Fastback

Maybe you'll be lucky enough to dig up all of that old stuff. If everything is still in good shape it could finance part of the Barracuda restoration if you choose to sell it.

I've been somewhat of a packrat. I held onto things that I'll never use but I did end up eventually throwing away because I got tired of the clutter. I really pushed myself to get that racetrack set up as quickly as I could so that it wouldn't become just one more thing taking up storage space. I think it'll provide years of entertainment and maybe my boys will keep it when I'm gone.

Some of the hobbies we had when we were young are worth rekindling.

Well...I have been scratching my head and wondering where those 2 slot cars went! Pretty sure I had seen them not too long ago, but man my memory these days! I checked the usual haunts -house closets and shelves in the garage. Its amazing how I go to look for something I really want such as these slot cars and find a bunch of other stuff that I tell myself "why in the heck did I save this junk?". I got a few closets left to tear apart , my attic and an attic at my fathers house, and then shake down my son and brother for potential thievery. Oh well, it will probably turn up in a year or two!

Hope you have a great Thanksgiving John.