rough times

Thx TB.
That's the problem with Christians; they all think that thy are right;and that is why there are over 42,000, yes over 42,000, different protestant denominations alone. They can't possibly all be right, and my opinion of course is that they are all wrong. I mean that's what we "christians" do, we believe our way is the only right way. The difference for me is, I couldn't give a hoot about Christians and their man-made traditions. I read my Bible. No, I study my Bible. And from what I read there,they are all on the wrong path.Every last one of them, are in rebellion to the Word. And since no one actually goes home and crosschecks their pastors anymore, they just regurgitate what they have been taught.So am I right? God only knows, but better that I am wrong cuz I made the wrong decisions, than that I try and blame it on the pastor.
The thing is there is a type of proof for those who keep the commandments of "God". He list all kinds of blessings for Commandment Keepers. He also lists many, many curses for the rebellious ones. My favorite is what he calls a wasting disease. Look around. Wasting disease runs rampant in the world today. It is everywhere, including in the 42,000 denominations. We just give a new name, so no one recognizes it's Biblical origins. We call it cancer.
So if the "church" is sick, what does that tell you? Well it tells me that their rebellion has put them under the curse. Look, if I tell my kids not to stick their fingers into a lamp-socket, cuz they will be cursed by immense pain and suffering, But they do it anyway; can you fault me? Of course not, they stuck their fingers in their of their own free will! Now the bear/suffer the consequences.And so it is with the "church". Hey, I'm 63 and healthy,wealthy,strong and of sound mind.Well wealthy is debate-able but ok my needs are fully met, as promised and in fact my cup is overfull. So I'm kindof leaning on the idea that I am not living under the curse, and that God himself is my protector. In any case, since I am so healthy,and want to stay so healthy, for a very long time, I'm gonna continue on the path I have discovered and adopted.

Tell me something,TB; If by planets being round,do you mean spherical;how do you know? I mean how do you personally know that to be a fact? How can anyone know?
The truth is we commoners cannot know. The best we can do,is parrot what we were taught or are being taught, whether it was truth,lies,or omission, we, the common man, cannot know.And there are many things we were taught that we cannot know to be true. Believing what we were taught to be true,is taking it on faith, and that, friends, is a religion. So whether or not you care for religion, the truth is, we are all religious to some extent.Everyone believes certain things.Some things are easy to debunk, others are shrouded in mystery.
But I tell you what, believing in what is written in the Bible,is a sure way.There is no downside to it. So I choose Life!
If you remove the indoctrination from the 12 year school system, and stuck to the three Rs, I bet we coulda graduated at age 10,maybe sooner. They taught all manner of useless things, and completely skipped over the things we really needed to know. Hundreds and hundreds of hours of now forgotten things,things later proved to be absolute lies,and things that are suspected to be lies, probably/possibly, soon to be proven as lies.
Well,truth needs no adjustments, no re-interpretation, no super-cession. Truth is truth; yesterday, today and tomorrow, for all time.
Learn the truth while there is yet time.Hurry!