408 build

It is a '67.
IF you all ready have a 408 bottom, then an additional $3500 would be awesome! IF you only have $3500, you may need to save a bit more. Shop around and pay close attention to what is and what is NOT included with the kit.

Your going to find the Chryslers a little more expensive than the Fords.

The crank MAY accept the manual trans input shaft. Tell it to the machinist that you will be issuing a manual transmission. Then the appropriate steps will be taken to make sure things happen.

My machinist always asks me because I have both transmissions in the stable. He knows my stable a bit.

The front of the 318 can donate everything. But not the damper or oil pan. You should purchase a top quality damper instead. Internally balance the 408. The stock 318 is internally balanced. You can reuse the flywheel.
https://www.summitracing.com/parts/mll-bpc4080/overview/make/chrysler Heres what I am thinking of buying. I am going to be calling around to local machinests for some quotes. If this is the best deal that I can get then I'll try save some dinero by getting some 360 heads and getting them ported or somthing. I just think its carzy how a set of eddys is $1600!!!! and btw this motor is externally balanced will that affect my flywheel?