Don't understand cams

If post get away from what the OP asked I generally blame that on the OP'er it's their thread they need to keep adding input and direct the conversation.

Problem is to many ask vague questions and then sit back and don't contribute.
Of course it will go on a tangent but I think that's good cause I think as things are discussed even if not directly related adds to our understanding.

I generally like to give people information so they can make there own informed decisions.

As for the Yellow Rose vs Frosty debated I side with Yellow Rose he could be a little more diplomatic at times but I find him informative and offen see things the same way.

I feel engines builders looking for maximum performance would look at valve events and overlap and let that dedicated lsa and duration.

But for us average enthusiasts I look at cams overlap lsa lift and duration in that order.

I do disagree with Yellow Rose in one way is for the average guy you kind of build your combo around a vague idea of what cam your gonna run mainly cause of how people gear their combo and seem to pick cr at random.

Too many on here ask for a cam recommendation on a mismatched combo in hopes that it will pull it altogether. eg 318 with stock heads 12.5:1 stock stall 3.23:1 gears and want to run on pump gas. So you need to a big cam cause of pumping gas and CR but a smaller cam cause of engine size heads gear and stall.