Don't understand cams

Did you even read any of those links I sent? Read them over and over if you need to. I'm not bein a smartass when I say this.....but it's not our job to educate you on camshafts. It's a very complex subject and has so many different opinions, it's pathetic.

YOU gotta have some skin in this game. You have a brain. You know how to read. You have the internet. Don't get caught up in a pissing match where everybody is trying to show you.....and the world how much they know. Use your OWN mind. Read the articles I sent. Search for some similar yourself. YOU are your best teacher. You know what it takes for YOU to understand something. Don't let someone else be responsible for you learning something. You learn the way THEY want. Learn it yourself and you'll be miles ahead.

Hey, don't be a bogart. Send me the links. Hell I'll read them. You can never learn too much.