My M-Code Cuda is finally getting worked on

LOL....I like racecars. It's not what a car is worth to me...more of what personal stuff can be done to enhance it's performance and appearance. I've had enough "over restored" cars, that are slow. Me?... I'll put my money into making it beautiful and fast. I'm glad the hobby isn't full of as-built/slow, old cars. The best times I had in the last 45 years of mopars, were racing them. I don't build cars to please anyone, except myself....and don't feel the need for approval from people with monikers with their names. I just made the comment that I liked your car. You don't take a compliment, very well. That's okay, too.
agree w/ MMissle... I like for them to look close to stock and run like a race car myself, but still be able to go get a strawberry shake in it .