update on my granddaughter Kiera

Feeling a little low these days. Yes I know that my grand daughter is in the best place at B.C. Children's hospital to get better. But when you haven't been in my place its easier said then done. And Kiera wow what a strong kid she is... Been through so much **** and still puts a smile on her face. I had tears in my eyes yesterday after finding out my little tiny 5 year old grand daughter will be going through her 6th heart surgery on Dec 12th . Kiera looks at me and says it's ok I'm fine. This girl is so brave it amazes me. She's been through hell and back so many times already. I love this little girl to pieces as well as my other grand children and I am sure they know that. At this time of year we are all busy with the holiday season, our families and all the festivities. If you could take just minute and to put Kiera in your thoughts and maybe say a prayer for her that all goes well... it would mean a lot. thanks.
