Any postal workers on the board? Got a question or two...

Not rural - and no, not the first time...or the second...just tired of the carrier bitching about doing her job.

She stated 70 lbs was the limit (when I asked her what the rules were on deliveries on Saturday).
I asked why she wouldn't deliver a package that was reported to me as weighing 40 lbs.
She replied that the second leading cause of injury to postal carriers is lifting.
I asked, so, is it 70 lbs, or not?
She said her station manager told her not to deliver it.
It was too heavy and it was long and would take two people to carry it, and besides, it was in this blue bin and she'd have to bend over...

My wife (who is older than the carrier, but about the same build) picked it up yesterday.
They person who got it said, "oh, yeah, I remember that one - it's too heavy!".
My wife picked it up, by herself, said, "you've got to be kidding me", and carried it out to the car.

OK, guess it's sounding like no recourse, the post office has rules, but the carriers can invalidate them at will.

Thanks for the links to the docs, Doug! Much appreciated!!!
