slant 6 rebuild and upgrade list


How much was the cam and how long did it take them to make it?

Any news on your build?


total cost for cam regrind, fixing the worn fuel pump lobe, shipping from there and new lifters was $192.00. Shipping to there was 26.00 (Ken Heard from Oregon cams said not to put in a PVC pipe since he has seen quite a few broken that way) I used a 3 corner box from the post office and packed it well with bubble wrap.
total time was 2 weeks from sendoff to delivery.

block is in the shop now and it looks like a .030 minimum cleanup. I'm still waiting on final determination due to the holidays and he's pretty busy.
getting Cam bearings and crank checked/polished or turned depending on wear. so I'm in holding pattern right now. I'm making new molds for my kick panels and trying to get the convertible arm rests into a usable state right now.