I am really gong through a rough time emotionally and in all areas right now and need someone to tal

A few years ago I lost my mother, girlfriend and our home in less than a year. My mother to cancer, and the girlfriend wanted to separate so we had to sell our home. After I got through it all I got very depressed. I could not get out of it, even though I tried hard. I did have a job, and I had friends, so I felt lucky. My economy was under a lot of strain though, but I could just manage. I tried to help myself as best I could, I read a lot of books on the subject of depression and anxiety. I realised that even though it's very valuable to have friends, It was up to me to get better and get my life back on track. I took up therapy, I also saw a doctor and got anti depressant medication. I make no bones about it, they have helped me a lot. They helped me get my motivation back. I know they are just a crutch, and I still have to work with myself to get better. But they helped me get the spirit back to do so. I also took up exercising, even though I'm not a very big drinker, I completely stopped drinking alcohol. I felt very lonely at first, but after time that feeling faded. As I slowly got more stable so did my life in general. I've learned so much about myself though all this. I actually think it made me a better person in the end. I'm writing all this not to go on about myself, but to share my story with you that I did find a way out of it and I believe you can too. One day at a time. Hang in there!